
From KDE Wiki Sandbox

Tellico default fields

This list is useful if you need to write or modify XSLT filters. Tellico's XSLT files use these names for processing data sources.

In all collections

Name Tellico's description Category
id ID # of the entry Personal
title Title General
cdate Date Created Personal
mdate Date Modified Personal

For books, bibliography and comics

Bibliographic fields are named as BibteX default.

Internal name Public Name Category Collection type Data sources XSLT files
entry-type Entry Type General bibliography Pubmed arxiv2tellico.xsl pubmed2tellico.xsl
author Author General bibliography books
bibtex-key Bibtex Key General bibliography
booktitle Book Title General bibliography
editor Editor General bibliography
organization Organization General bibliography
publisher Publisher Publishing bibliography
address Address Publishing bibliography
edition Edition Publishing bibliography
pages Pages Publishing bibliography
year Year Publishing bibliography
isbn ISBN# Publishing bibliography
journal Journal Publishing bibliography
doi DOI Publishing bibliography
month Month Publishing bibliography
number Number Publishing bibliography
howpublished How Published Publishing bibliography
chapter Chapter Miscellanous bibliography
series Series Miscellanous Classification bibliography books
volume Volume Miscellanous bibliography
crossref Cross-Reference Miscellanous bibliography
keyword Keywords Miscellanous Classification bibliography books
url URL Miscellanous Publication bibliography books Amazon amazon2tellico.xsl
abstract Abstract Abstract bibliography
note Notes Notes bibliography