Votre application pour créer des diagrammes et des graphiques |
- Create network diagrams, organisation charts, flowcharts and more
- Scriptable stencil creation using Python
- Support for Dia stencils.
- Plugin framework for adding more functionality.
Recherche de fautes, trucs et conseils
Vous ne pouvez pas exporter vers des formats image
If you find that you can only export to
or , it's likely that you don't have koffice-filters installed. Installing this package allows you to export to PNG, JPEG or BMP Image formats. It is best to install both at the same time using "yum install koffice-kivio koffice-filters" or a similar command, suited to your distro.Trucs, astuces et tutoriels
- Using the Artistic Text Shape is a tutorial that shows how to get started with the artistic text shape that all KOffice applications provide.