KUser er et redskab til at håndtere brugere og grupper på dit system |
Klik på billederne for at se dem i fuld størrelse. Brug Gå en side tilbage-pilen til at komme tilbage hertil.
- Tilføj/Rediger/Fjern brugere
- Tilføj/Rediger/Fjern grupper
- Håndter adgangskoder
KUser er sædvanligvis ikke installeret som standard, så det skal installeres manuelt. KUser hører til pakken kdeadmin.
Når det er installeret, finder du det i startmenuen som Alt+F2) ved at skrive
, eller du kan starte det i KRunner (kuser
Brug af KUser
Efter at have startet KUser åbnes et vindue med to faneblade:
and .
Double-clicking a user opens a dialog with several tabs. The amount of tabs is variable, depending on the type of the user storage system and whether quotas are being used.
User Info
- Modify the user-properties like , , or set/change a for example. You can also .
Password Management
- Change password settings, like the time after which a password has to be changed, or set a time at which an account will expire.
- Add or remove groups the user belongs to.
Double clicking a
opens a dialog, where you can of the group and to/from a group.
Be careful deleting anything, as it can harm your system seriously!
Configure KUser
and you can set up defaults for creating a new user:General
- set the , the or the .
- choose if a will be created and if a (standard configuration files) will be copied to the home folder.
- set a , which creates a own personal group when a user is added and removes it, when the user is removed.
- set a .
- set default paths for password, group file, password shadow file and group shadow file.
- set preferences for users in a local network
In most cases you won't have to change the default settings, as they are sufficient for most users.