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Revision as of 14:50, 7 October 2010 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)

Hjem » Programmer » Uddannelse » KTouch

KTouch hjælper dig med at lære blindskrift.

Det er en del af KDE Education Project.


KTouch er et program til at lære blindskrift. Hver finger har sin placering på tastaturet med tilhørende taster at betjene. Du starter med kun at skulle huske nogle få taster, men efterhånden som træningen skrider frem bliver flere og flere tasret introduceret. Når du ikke længere behøver at lede efter tasterne på tastaturet, så kan du skrive hurtigere og mere korrekt.



  • Support for many different training lectures
  • Support for many languages including language specific text fonts
  • Comfortable lecture editor
  • Support for different keyboard layouts, with the ability to use user-defined layouts
  • During training sessions comprehensive statistical informations are shown to help you analyze your progress

How to Add a Keyboard Layout to KTouch

KTouch comes with a number of pre-installed keyboard files. You can simply select the keyboard from the list in the main menu that matches your own keyboard layout. If you can't find a matching keyboard layout, you can either port an old one or make one from scratch. KTouch includes a dialog to make it easy for you.

If your keyboard layout is not in the KTouch -> Settings -> Keyboard Layouts list, it might have existed in early versions but have not been ported to the KDE SC 4.x version.

Read how to port older keyboard layouts to the new .keyboard.xml version...
