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From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Revision as of 11:53, 9 October 2010 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)

Template:I18n/Language Navigation Bar


Informationerne på denne side vedrører Plasma Desktop 4.3.
Tilgængelige versioner: 4.5 - 4.4 - 4.3

Plasma-arbejdsfladen er en af de centrale teknologier i KDE SC 4.x (også kendt som "KDE's grundsten"), og en af de mest synlige for brugerne. Da Plasma-skrivebordet håndterer brugerfladen anderledes end traditionelle skriveborde, kan der være forvirring om, hvad Plasma-skrivebordet er, hvad den gør og hvordan man løser almindelige opgaver. \

The purpose of this document is to show how to perform common tasks in Plasma Desktop. Each HowTo consists of one topic and a short animation, which is reached by clicking on the link.

The animations are encoded in the GIF format and can thus be viewed in most modern web browsers without any additional plugins installed. Note that the animations are looped.


Almost all HowTos assume that the widgets are unlocked. See Unlock widgets for instructions on how to unlock them.


Due to distribution-specific customizations, your desktop might differ from those in the HowTos. In particular, if you miss the top-right toolbox (shown as a yellow icon), you can reach most options by right-clicking on the desktop.



Desktop Widgets

Panel Widgets





Further information

For reuse

To link to an animation from another UserBase article, a thumbnail can be posted. Here's an example:

How to unlock your widgets

The code for that is:

|align="center"|How to unlock your widgets

The animations can also be used outside of UserBase. The BBCode (used in most forums) to post a linked thumbnail is:


Replace GIF with the URL to the GIF file. The corresponding HTML code is:

<a href="GIF"><img src="http://userbase.kde.org/images.userbase/e/e8/Plasma_howto-thumbnail.png" /></a>

A description of making the animated gif is here. Do you want to help out with making animations? See the Talk page to find out how!

  1. 1.0 1.1 Note the small green arrow. You can also right click instead of pressing the arrow.
  2. See How can I change the height and the size of the panel? for more information.
  3. The right mouse button is used in this animation.
  4. It's not necessary to drag the extender to the desktop first.
  5. You can't remove the activity you "zoom out" from.