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Found 5 translations.
Name | Current message text |
h Danish (da) | * Biblioteket FFTW (Den hurtigste Fouriertransformation i vesten, []) i version 3.0 eller derover (mindst en udgave med single-precision flydende-tal - libfftw3f) — hvis din platform ikke giver dig dette, eller hvis du er nødt til at kompilere din egen version, så husk at konfigurere pakken FFTW med {{Input|1=./configure --enable-single}} |
h English (en) | * The ''Fastest Fourier Transform In The West'' ([]) FFTW library version 3.0 or above (at least single-precision floating point version - libfftw3f) — If your platform does not provide this for you or you need to compile your own version, remember to configure the FFTW package with {{Input|1=./configure --enable-single}} |
h French (fr) | * La bibliothèque FFTW ''transformée de Fourier la plus rapide de l'ouest '' - Fastest Fourier Transform In The West - ([]) version 3.0 ou supérieure (au moins en version flottant simple précision - libfftw3f) — si votre plateforme ne vous fournit pas cela ou bien si vous avez besoin de compiler votre propre version, vérifiez de bien paramètrer le paquetage FFTW avec {{Input|1=./configure --enable-single}} |
h Polish (pl) | * Biblioteka ''Fastest Fourier Transform In The West'' ( ''FFTW'' w wersji 3.0 lub wyższej (numer wersji z co najmniej jednym miejscem po przecinku - libfftw3f) -- Jeśli Twój system nie zapewnia tej biblioteki, lub potrzebujesz skompilować własną wersję, pamiętaj by konfigurować z {{Input|1=./configure --enable-single}} |
h Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br) | * A biblioteca ''Fastest Fourier Transform In The West'' ([]) FFTW na versão 3.0 ou superior (pelo menos a versão de ponto flutuante de precisão simples - libfftw3f) — Se a sua plataforma não tiver este suporte, ou caso precise compilar a sua própria versão, lembre-se de configurar o pacote FFTW com o comando {{Input|1=./configure --enable-single}} |