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Found 12 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h Danish (da){|class="vertical-centered"
|[[Image:Choqok_main.png|thumb|265px|Choqok]]|| '''ChoqoK er en KDE-application til mikroblogging, som understøtter Twitter og Identi.ca.'''
 h German (de){|class="vertical-centered"
|[[Image:Choqok_main.png|thumb|265px|Choqok]]|| '''ChoqoK ist ein Micro-Blogging-Programm von KDE, mit Unterstützung für Twitter und Identi.ca.'''
 h Spanish (es){|class="vertical-centered"
|[[Image:Choqok_main.png|thumb|265px|Choqok]]|| '''ChoqoK es una aplicación de microblogging de KDE, con soporte para Twitter e Identi.ca.'''
 h French (fr){|class="vertical-centered"
|[[Image:Choqok_main.png|thumb|265px|Choqok]]|| '''ChoqoK est une application de microblogging de KDE, supportant Twitter et Identi.ca.'''
 h Galician (gl){|class="vertical-centered"
|[[Image:Choqok_main.png|thumb|265px|Choqok]]|| '''ChoqoK é unha aplicación de microblogging de KDE, con soporte para Twitter e Identi.ca.'''
 h Italian (it){|class="vertical-centered" 
|[[Image:Choqok_main.png|thumb|265px|Choqok]]|| '''ChoqoK è un'applicazione KDE per gestire il microblogging con supporto per Twitter e Identi.ca.''' 
 h Dutch (nl){|class="vertical-centered"
|[[Image:Choqok_main.png|thumb|265px|Choqok]]|| '''ChoqoK is een microbloggingapplicatie van KDE, met ondersteuning voor Twitter en Identi.ca.'''
 h Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br)|[[Image:Choqok_main.png|thumb|265px|Choqok]]|| ''' Choqok é uma aplicação de microblogging para KDE, com suporte para Twitter e Identi.ca. '''
 h Russian (ru){|class="vertical-centered"
|[[Image:Choqok_main.png|thumb|265px|Choqok]]|| '''ChoqoK это приложение для микроблогинга из KDE, поддерживающее Twitter и Identi.ca.'''
 h Ukrainian (uk){|class="vertical-centered"
|[[Image:Choqok_main.png|thumb|265px|Choqok]]|| '''ChoqoK — програма для ведення мікроблогів у KDE з підтримкою Twitter і Identi.ca.'''
 h Chinese (China) (zh-cn){|class="vertical-centered"
|[[Image:ZhcnChoqok.png|thumb|265px|Choqok]]|| '''ChoqoK 是来自 KDE 社区,同时支持 Twitter 和 Identi.ca 的微博客程序。'''
 h Chinese (Taiwan) (zh-tw){|class="vertical-centered"
|[[Image:Choqok_main.png|thumb|265px|Choqok]]|| '''ChoqoK 是來自 KDE 社群,同時支援 Twitter 和 Identi.ca 的微網誌程式。'''