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Found 5 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h Catalan (ca)* [ KMail i SpamAssassin resp. Quick Spam Filter (qsf)], un article més detallat que el de sota, afegit el 30-06-2003.
 h Danish (da)* [ KMail og SpamAssassin resp. Quick Spam Filter (qsf)], en artikel med flere detaljer end den nedenfor. Tilføjer 30/6 2003
 h English (en)* [ KMail and SpamAssassin resp. Quick Spam Filter (qsf)], a more detailed article than the one below, Added 2003-06-30
 h Italian (it)* [ KMail e SpamAssassin resp. Filtro veloce per la spam (qsf)], un articolo più dettagliato di quello qui sotto. Aggiunto il 30/06/2003
 h Ukrainian (uk)* [ '''KMail''', '''SpamAssassin''' та Quick Spam Filter (qsf)] — докладніша на наведену нижче стаття. Додано 30 червня 2003 року.