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Found 16 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h Catalan (ca)=== Trobeu la vostra pròpia manera d'emprar el Plasma ===
 h Danish (da)=== Hvordan du finder rundt i Plasma ===
 h German (de)===Sich in Plasma zurechtfinden===
 h Greek (el)=== Βρείτε το δρόμο σας μες στο Plasma ===
 h English (en)=== Finding your way around Plasma ===
 h Spanish (es)=== Encuentra tu camino en Plasma ===
 h French (fr)=== Trouver son chemin sur  Plasma ===
 h Hungarian (hu)===Eligazodás a Plazmán===
 h Italian (it)=== Trovare il proprio modo di utilizzare Plasma ===
 h Dutch (nl)=== Wegwijs worden in Plasma ===
 h Polish (pl)===Osobiste odkrywanie Plasmy ===
 h Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br)=== Desvendando o Plasma ===
 h Turkish (tr)=== Plasma içerisinde yolunuzu bulma ===
 h Ukrainian (uk)=== Знайомимося з Плазмою ===
 h Chinese (China) (zh-cn)=== 开始使用 Plasma ===
 h Chinese (Taiwan) (zh-tw)=== 使用 Plasma ===