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Found 6 translations.
Name | Current message text |
h Catalan (ca) | Si trobeu útils aquests ajustaments, és possible que vulgueu fer una ullada al mòdul [[Special:myLanguage/System Settings/Application and System Notifications|Notificacions de les aplicacions i del sistema]] d''''Arranjament del sistema'''. |
h Danish (da) | Hvis du finder disse indstillinger nyttige, så kan du måske også få glæde af indstillingerne i '''Systemindstillingers''' modul [[Special:myLanguage/System Settings/Application and System Notifications|Program- og systembekendtgørelser]]. |
h English (en) | If you find these settings useful, you may also want to have a look at the [[Special:myLanguage/System Settings/Application and System Notifications|Application and System Notifications]] module of '''System Settings'''. |
h French (fr) | Si vous trouvez ces paramètres intéressants, vous pourrez également regarder le module [[Special:myLanguage/System Settings/Application and System Notifications|Notification des applications et du système]] de '''Paramètres système'''. |
h Italian (it) | Se hai trovato utili queste impostazioni potresti voler consultare anche il modulo [[Special:myLanguage/System Settings/Application and System Notifications|Notifiche delle applicazioni e di sistema]], sempre in '''Impostazioni di sistema'''. |
h Ukrainian (uk) | Якщо ви користуєтеся цими параметрами, можливо, вам також варто скористатися модулем [[Special:myLanguage/System Settings/Application and System Notifications|Сповіщення програм і системи]] «Системних параметрів». |