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Found 8 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h Catalan (ca)[[Special:myLanguage/Browser Configuration#Firefox|Configuració del navegador]] per a Firefox. Aprendre com fer que el Firefox utilitzi el [[Special:myLanguage/Browser Configuration/Firefox Dialog Integration|diàleg estàndard Obre i desa]].
 h Czech (cs)[[Special:myLanguage/Browser Configuration#Firefox|Nastavení prohlížeče]]  Firefox. Nauč se jak nastavit Firefox používat [[Special:myLanguage/Browser Configuration/Firefox Dialog Integration|standardní dialog Otevřít a Uložit (Open and Save)]].
 h Danish (da)[[Special:myLanguage/Browser Configuration#Firefox|Browserindstilling]] af Firefox. Lær hvordan man får Firefox til at bruge [[Special:myLanguage/Browser Configuration/Firefox Dialog Integration|standarddialogerne Åbn og Gem]].
 h German (de)[[Special:myLanguage/Browser Configuration#Firefox|Browser Einstellungen]] für Firefox. Erfahren Sie wie Firefox den [[Special:myLanguage/Browser Configuration/Firefox Dialog Integration|Standard Plasma "Öffnen und Schießen"-Dialog]] verwenden kann.
 h English (en)[[Special:myLanguage/Browser Configuration#Firefox|Browser configuration]] for Firefox. Learn how to make Firefox use the [[Special:myLanguage/Browser Configuration/Firefox Dialog Integration|standard Open and Save dialog]].
 h French (fr)[[Special:myLanguage/Browser Configuration#Firefox|Configuration du navigateur web]] pour Firefox. Apprenez comment faire en sorte que Firefox utilise les [[Special:myLanguage/Browser Configuration/Firefox Dialog Integration|dialogues de sauvegarde et d'ouverture standard]].
 h Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br)[[Special:myLanguage/Browser Configuration#Firefox|Configuração do navegador]] para Firefox. Aprenda como fazer com que o Firefox use o [[Special:myLanguage/Browser Configuration/Firefox Dialog Integration|padrão da caixa de diálogo Abrir e salvar]].
 h Ukrainian (uk)[[Special:myLanguage/Browser Configuration#Firefox|Налаштування браузера]] для Firefox. Дізнайтеся, як налаштувати Firefox на [[Special:myLanguage/Browser Configuration/Firefox Dialog Integration|використання стандартного вікна відкриття і збереження файлів]].