Image Kimdaba
Descrizione generale
Image::Kimdaba è un modulo Perl disponibile su CPAN per analizzare il database di KPhotoAlbum.
Daremo per scontato che vuoi installare il modulo come un utente, diciamo in $HOME/local;
$ mkdir -p ~/local/bin $ perl -MCPAN -e shell
Rispondi a un mucchio di domande la prima volta. A un certo punto devi inserire:
Poi, nella shell di CPAN, digita
> install Image::Kimdaba
Devi modificare due variabili d'ambiente (cambia il numero di versione di conseguenza):
export PERL5LIB=~/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3:~/local/lib/perl5/5.8.3 export PATH="$HOME/local/bin:$PATH"
Se è tutto a posto ora è il momento di provare se funziona. Lancia la demo di Kimdaba (nel menu
) ed esegui:$ /tmp/kimdaba-demo-$UTENTE
Grazie all'infrastruttura di CPAN devi solo digitare:
$ perl -MCPAN -e 'install Image::Kimdaba'
Installazione su Debian
Su Debian è possibile installare "automagicamente" Image::Kimdaba. Prima installa dh-make-perl e poi (come amministratore):
# dh-make-perl --build --install --cpan Image::Kimdaba
Gli script forniti con Image::Kimdaba
Qui descriviamo gli script già fatti che potresti trovare utili.
Sincronizza i commenti tra Kimdaba e digiKam
La prima volta fai:
$ ./kim_2_digikam <rootfolder>
che creerà il database digikam.db utilizzato da digiKam (>= 0.7 e < 0.8 )
Launch kimdaba, do some changes, relaunch the script
$ ./kim_2_digikam <rootfolder>
which will update the digikam.db database (you have to restart digiKam to see the changes, though).
Add some categories in digiKam to some pictures and relaunch the script
$ ./kim_2_digikam <rootfolder>
Then you can import the modifications you made with digiKam by doing in Kimdaba:
The good thing with synchronizing with digikam.db is that you can then use the digikamtags:/ KIOSlave to browse by Persons or Keywords or Locations in every KDE app. (And add a tab "Kimdaba" -> url=digikamtags:/ in Konqueror sidebar for example).
JAlbum gallery export
If you really like the many beautiful ways that JAlbum will let you display the images, but you are not willing to abandon KPhotoAlbum, use this script to duct tape your Kimdaba's comments to JAlbum.
- Download from here , and do:
$ ./ <rootfolder>
Then download JAlbum and install it (Java required). You need to do some setup first:
- Tab main:
- Image directory: Kimdaba's root folder
- Output directory: Your album folder
- Tab advanced:
- Ignore pattern: \..*|ThumbNails|CategoryImages|index.xml
- Menu File -> Save as default
JAlbum only allows you to make a gallery from one folder (and its subfolders) while KPhotoAlbum does not have this restriction. Here is a solution:
In Kimdaba
- Eventually delete the "jalbum" keyword to restart from scratch.
- Set the "jalbum" keyword for each pictures you want to export.
- Save your changes
In Konsole
Create a directory with symlinks to your tagged pictures :
$ ~/Images --exportdir ~/Syms/patou/
That's it, now use ~/Syms/patou/ as Image Directory
Auto-assign categoryimages
In Kimdaba's browser, you can see the list of the persons on your pictures by name, or by icons. In the viewer, you can assign an icon for a person of the pictures by Right click ->
, but it's a bit long if you have 500 persons. So this script will choose it for you.$ mkdir -p <rootfolder>/CategoryImages $ ./kim_category_images <rootfolder>
It's faster than to set the 500 pictures by hand, isn't it? You can still use the category editor to choose a better picture for this person or that keyword, the script will not overwrite it.
Really rotate your pictures
In KPhotoAlbum, you can rotate pictures, but the pictures will not be really rotated, the rotation will only be stored in the index.xml database. To improve interoperability with other software, it's useful to really rotate. Quit Kimdaba and use this script (you need the jpegtran tool)
$ ./ <rootfolder>
Export a hierarchy of symbolic links
(This is a bit proof-of-concept for, but could be useful when using non kde apps (see kim_2_digikam ))
Edit the first line of the script, then
$ ./kim_2_filesystem <rootfolder>
Write your own
If you need to export your comments in another format, or you want to do some fun thing not available with Kimdaba and you know a bit of Perl, you can Write your own extension , it's very easy.
If you feel the need, you can share your script with other people by editing this page and sending an email to the KPhotoAlbum mailing-list.