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Revision as of 22:16, 31 October 2010 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)

Hjem » Programmer » Uddannelse » KTurtle

KTurtle bruges til at lære at programmere med TurtleSpeak, et programmeringssprog løst baseret på og inspireret af LOGO.

Det er en del af KDE Education Project.

Formålet med KTurtle er at gøre det så let som muligt at lære at programmere, hvilket gør KTurtle egnet til at undervise unge studerene i grundlæggende matematik, geometri og... programmering.


  • evnen til at oversætte programmeringskommandoerne til de studerendes eget sprog ved brug af KDE's fundament for oversættelse
  • alt hvad du behøver integreret i en applikation
  • forenklet programmeringsterminologi
  • intuitiv syntaksfremhævning og merkering af fejl


En frisk start med KTurtle
Efter en smult tegning

Flere skærmbilleder (også af ældre versioner).


The following example makes the turtle draw a simple arrow.


canvassize 200200
canvascolor 000
pencolor 25500
penwidth 5

go 20,20
direction 135

forward 200
turnleft 135
forward 100
turnleft 135
forward 141
turnleft 135
forward 100
turnleft 45

go 40100


See more examples...


The resources for KTurtle are spread over a few webpages:

The KTurtle Homepage
This page is KDE's the official page for KTurtle. Besides the news feed it is mainly a landing page with links to the other resources.
KTurtle on UserBase (this page)
The UserBase wiki page for KTurtle, this page. Here most resources can be found that interest the user: screenshots, example scripts, a feature list, frequently asked questions (FAQ), etc.
KTurtle on TechBase
The TechBase wiki page for KTurtle. This page is geared towards the contributors of KTurtle: the developers and the translators. Various bits of information on the translation and development process can be found here.
The KTurtle GoogleGroup
Here Google hosts our mailing list. It is public so you can browse the archives. It is low traffic, so please do not hesitate to subscribe. You might find KTurtle developers on the #kdeedu channel on freenode.org.
The KTurtle Handbook
This is an online copy of the KTurtle Handbook as shipped with the KTurtle program.
KTurtle on bugs.kde.org
Bugs, wishes or other issues with KTurtle are tracked using bugs.kde.org. Please report any issues with KTurtle here so nothing will be lost.
Monitor translation effort for KTurtle
Follow the translation effort for KTurtle in KDE 4 stable releases, split up in user interface strings and documentation.
KTurtle on Wikipedia
KTurtle's page on Wikipedia.

How to get KTurtle?

KTurtle is a Free Software project. It is part of the KDE project, therefore readily available to most Linux distributions (try searching for KTurtle with your package manager).

KDE is available (yet still considered unstable) for Microsoft Windows and Mac OSX, users have reported good experiences with KTurtle on these platforms. If you are using Windows or Mac and give KTurtle a try, please report your experiences to our mailing list, or file a bug. Thank you!