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Automated Playlist Generator

The Automated Playlist Generator (APG) automatically generates playlists based on constraints you set, these constraints can be set based on song data (Author, Artist, Genre) or acess time(Last Time Played), there are also special constraints to determine how Amarok is going to look for songs. You will find the APG in your Media pane, Playlists -> Automated Playlist Generator.

APG Presets' toolbar

This is the APG Presets' toolbar, from left to right we have the following buttons:

  • Add new preset: Adds a blank preset that can be modified.
  • Edit selected preset: Opens up the APG Preset Editor window to edit the currently selected preset's constraints.
  • Delete selected preset: Removes the selected preset from the list, can NOT be undone.
  • Import new preset: Import a preset from a .xml file, has the potential to be malformed if edited outside amarok, use the constraint tester.
  • Export the selected preset: Export the selected preset to a .xml file that can be imported.
  • Run constraint tester: Does nothing D:
  • Run APG with selected preset: Loads APG with the selected preset and automatically generates a playlist.

Setting up Presets

Presets are sets of rules that Amarok's APG will use when generating playlists, these rules are going to be refered to as constraints from now on, every preset is determined by the constraints that make it up, groups of constraints hierachically and logically organized are called constraint trees.


Constraints are the building blocks of constraint trees, they are simple statements that the APG will use to add songs to the playlist it generates,