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Tutorials/KDE3 to KDE SC 4

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KDE 3 features missing in KDE4 (and work-arounds)

Automount of USB devices

In KDE 3 you could choose to have usb devices mounted automatically upon plugin. In KDE4.1 this is no longer possible.

Workaround: Use an automount mechanism outside of KDE4, e.g. manually edit hal configuration files and/or add the devices to /etc/fstab.

Configuration example with udev under Debian/Ubuntu:

As root create and edit a file and named: 80-usbdevice.rules and save it under /etc/udev/rules.d/. In this file add a rule for the automatic mounting for each individual device that should be automounted.

The lines look like this for a vfat usb stick (replace ##entries## according to your system). RUN+="/bin/mount -t vfat -o uid=0,gid=46,umask=007 /dev/##DEVICENAME## /media/##usb-stick##"

Afterwards restart udev

sudo /etc/init.d/udev reload

For details please consult the writing udev rules guide.[1]

Auto-hide Panels

Kicker in KDE3 used to have an option to autohide. In KDE4.1 this is currently not possible.

Workaround: None. Implementation planned in KDE4.2

Move applets on the panel

In kicker in KDE3, one could move applets by clicking the middle mouse button or by dragging a handle. In KDE4 such simple configuration is not possible.


This is somewhat tricky and requires many clicks:

1. Right click on the desktop or a plasma panel you wish to configure. Be careful to hit a free spot, otherwise it won't work. Then choose "Unlock plasmoids".

After doing this a new icon will appear on the panel, which will shift the position of all other applets and icons. It is called "Cashew" and offers the same options you get with a right click for peaople without a right mouse button. Do not worry it will disappear once you relock the plasmoids.

2. Click on the cashew, choose "Configure panel". Do not worry the complicated black border will disappear again.

3. Now you can configure one panel and can also move around the applets and icons. Unfortunately, there are many bugs left in plasma, which make this a tricky experience (i.e. some applets claim too much space etc., others can't be moved). Also you can not drag applets from one panel to the other or to the desktop. Workaround: Delete the applet and readd it to the other panel.

4. Finish by clicking on the "Cashew" and lock plasmoids.