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How do I...

The next part of KWord documentation is designed to provide examples on how to solve specific problems using KWord.

Each section is a self contained list of steps, and refers the reader to other sections of the documentation for more complete information on different aspects of KWord.

These examples were selected to:

  • Show how KWord might function differently from other word processors you are used to.
  • Show how to combine several elements to create the desired document.
  • Illustrate the power of KWord.

You can use these examples as recipes for your document, or modify them to create the look or content you desire.

How do I get the pages numbers on the outsides of the pages and the title in the middle of the header (like a novel)?

This first example shows how you can combine center tabs and variables in a header to create a common format to your document.

Your document must be at least 2 pages long before you begin this procedure.
1. Select File->Document Information from the menubar.
2. Click on the General tab.
3. Click once in the text box labeled Title with the left mouse button and enter the desired document title.
4. Click on the OK button.
5. Select Format->Page Layout... from the menubar.
6. Click on the Header & Footer tab.
7. Select Different header for even and odd pages.
8. Then click OK.
9. Select Format->Enable Document Headers from the menubar.
10. Move to an odd numbered page in your document, and click in the header box.
11. Select Format->Paragraph... from the menubar.
12. The Paragraph Settings dialog will appear. Click on the Tabulators tab.
13. Click the New button.
14. Using the arrows of the spinbox labeled Position enter a value that is exactly 1/2 the frame width. The frame width is listed directly below the Position spin box.
15. Click the Center radio button in the section entitled Alignment.
16. Click the New button again.
17. Using the arrows of the spinbox labeled Position enter a value that is slightly less than the frame width. The frame width is listed directly below the Position spin box.
18. Click the Right radio button in the section entitled Alignment.
19. Then click OK.
20. Click in the header again with the left mouse button.
21. Type the Tab key. This will move the cursor to the center of the header.
22. Select Insert->Variable->Document Information->Document Title from the menubar.
23. Type the Tab key again. This will move the cursor near the right margin of the header.
24. Select Insert->Variable->Page->Page Number from the menubar.
25. Move to an even numbered page in your document, and click in the header box.
26. Select Format->Paragraph from the menubar.
27. The Paragraph Settings dialog will appear. Click on the Tabulators tab.
28. Click the New button.
29. Using the arrows of the spinbox labeled Position enter a value that is exactly 1/2 the frame width. The frame width is listed directly below the Position spin box.
30. Click the Center radio button in the section entitled Alignment.
31. Then click OK.
32. Click in the header again with the left mouse button.
33. Select Insert->Variable->Page->Page Number from the menubar.
34. Type the Tab key. This will move the cursor to the center of the header.
35. Select Insert->Variable->Document Information->Document Title from the menubar.

That completes the procedure. Your document now has the title of the document in the center along the top of each page, and the page numbers on the outside corners of the pages.

If you want page numbers on the bottom of the pages, you can use Footers instead of headers in your document.

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