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Revision as of 03:10, 5 January 2011 by Goffrie (talk | contribs) (fix nav)

Under Construction

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The Search playlist function in Amarok is very powerful, as it allows you to search for different tracks by various constraints. The search results limits what you can actually see, which makes it easy to queue up wanted tracks, or remove them from the playlist.


Edit Box

When you type something in the field, Amarok will search in your playlist and mark matching tracks, artists and etc.


The first track that matches the current search will be highlighted:

Search Preferences

This is a small drop down menu with options for the search field, if you need more than simple search. You can choose which types of searching you want to use in your Search playlist. Check the boxes according to what you need for your search.

Check boxes

Name Description
Tracks Amarok will search for text from tag: Track Titles
Albums Search for text from tag: Album titles
Artists Search for text from tag: Artist
Genre Search for text from tag: Genre
Composers Search for text from tag: Composer
Rating Search the rating of all songs in your playlist
Years Search for year of publication
Show only matches When this box is marked Amarok will display only the tracks that match the current search

Show only matches - example