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Workspace Configuration/Desktop Configuration

From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Revision as of 15:01, 30 April 2010 by Annew (talk | contribs)

Template:I18n/Language Navigation Bar

Changing the Look

Theming the Desktop

KDE 3 Theming guide: User Guide - Customizing your Desktop is a good guide for KDE 3.

The Plasma FAQ tells you where to find new themes for your Plasma Desktop, and how to install them.

Theming Non-KDE Software

The first thing to look at is SystemSettings > Appearance > GTK+ Appearance section - there you can select "Use my KDE fonts in GTK+ Applications". You can use the GTK-Qt Engine to make GTK apps use the current Qt/KDE style. Instructions on how to use are on the website. Please refer to your distribution for packages.

Theming KDE Applications to look like GTK applications

Since qt 4.5 release, there is support for gtk themes for Qt GUI styles. In most distributions this will be available from KDE software version 4.3.

Desktop Effects

Using Compiz with Plasma Desktop

Install compiz. Open System Settings, choose the "Session Manager" module in the Advanced tab, choose compiz in the "Window Manager" combobox and restart your desktop.

Using KDE Desktop Effects

The use of Desktop Effects is controlled by KWin. You can see more information about them on the KWin page.

Sound Problems