Plasma/Notificador de dispositius

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Revision as of 09:42, 8 March 2011 by Abella (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Quan connecteu un dispositiu extern, o es carrega un nou mitjà en una unitat, apareixerà la finestra del '''Notificador''' (també podeu obrir-la fent clic a la seva icona en e...")

El Notificador de dispositius s'usa per a gestionar dispositius extraïbles com pendrives USB (també anomenats unitats flaix), càmeres digitals, discos durs externs USB, etc. També entra en joc quan s'insereix un mitjà com un CD o un DVD en una unitat òptica.

Quan connecteu un dispositiu extern, o es carrega un nou mitjà en una unitat, apareixerà la finestra del Notificador (també podeu obrir-la fent clic a la seva icona en el plafó). Romandrà oberta mentre el cursor resti a sobre, en cas contrari es tancarà després d'uns segons.

The Notifier window shows a list of all the devices it currently knows about. Moving the mouse cursor over a device will highlight how many possible actions are associated with that device.

Clicking anywhere in the shaded box around the device name (but not on the eject/unmount icon if present) expands the entry to show the list of possible actions for that device. The set of actions depends on the device; it is configurable from System Settings. Simply select one with the mouse or keyboard to launch that action.

There is also a small icon to the right of each entry showing whether that device is currently accessible (or mounted) or not. Only when a device is not mounted is it safe to physically disconnect it from the computer. Clicking on the icon causes the device to be unmounted and/or the medium to be ejected if it is currently mounted, and will mount it if it isn't. Note that unmounting/ejecting might fail if the device still has open files on it, e.g. if a large file copy hasn't finished. In most cases you can just wait a while and try again. When an unmounting has succeeded, a success icon will be shown on the Device Notifier's icon.