Plasma/Notificador de dispositius

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Revision as of 09:44, 8 March 2011 by Abella (talk | contribs) (Created page with "La finestra del '''Notificador''' mostra una llista de totes les unitats connectades de les quals es te coneixement. Movent el punter del ratolí sobre una unitat es mostrarà qu...")

El Notificador de dispositius s'usa per a gestionar dispositius extraïbles com pendrives USB (també anomenats unitats flaix), càmeres digitals, discos durs externs USB, etc. També entra en joc quan s'insereix un mitjà com un CD o un DVD en una unitat òptica.

Quan connecteu un dispositiu extern, o es carrega un nou mitjà en una unitat, apareixerà la finestra del Notificador (també podeu obrir-la fent clic a la seva icona en el plafó). Romandrà oberta mentre el cursor resti a sobre, en cas contrari es tancarà després d'uns segons.

La finestra del Notificador mostra una llista de totes les unitats connectades de les quals es te coneixement. Movent el punter del ratolí sobre una unitat es mostrarà quantes possibles accions hi ha associades amb aquest dispositiu.

Clicking anywhere in the shaded box around the device name (but not on the eject/unmount icon if present) expands the entry to show the list of possible actions for that device. The set of actions depends on the device; it is configurable from System Settings. Simply select one with the mouse or keyboard to launch that action.

There is also a small icon to the right of each entry showing whether that device is currently accessible (or mounted) or not. Only when a device is not mounted is it safe to physically disconnect it from the computer. Clicking on the icon causes the device to be unmounted and/or the medium to be ejected if it is currently mounted, and will mount it if it isn't. Note that unmounting/ejecting might fail if the device still has open files on it, e.g. if a large file copy hasn't finished. In most cases you can just wait a while and try again. When an unmounting has succeeded, a success icon will be shown on the Device Notifier's icon.