Fejlløsning/Samsung scx-4500W

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Revision as of 06:01, 22 March 2011 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)

Mike Cloaked <mike.cloaked at gmail.com> skrev de følgende kommentarer om installation under Fedora 14. Bemærk, at nogle referencer er til lokale mapper og at du kan være nørt til at tilrette disse for at passe til dit system.

Opsætning af printeren

Følgende teknik virker under versioner af Fedora fra F12 til F14.

Download driversætter og udpak dem med untar. Driverne er tilgængelige fra Samsungs webside.

Installér ikke deres scripts. Træk i stedet fælgende to filer ud fra deres fil Unified Driver: Tilføj filen rastertosamsungspl (fra cdroot/Linux/i386/at_root/usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertosamsungspl) til /usr/lib/cups/filter/
og scx4500w.ppd (fra cdroot/Linux/noarch/at_opt/share/ppd/) skal også bruges. Så skal du gå til mappen /usr/share/cups/model/foomatic-db-ppds og lave undermappen "samsung".

gzip -c
/path-to-my-scx4500w/scx4500w.ppd > samsung/scx4500w.ppd.gz

Tjek, at selinux-indholdet af den nye mappe matcher de andre i denne mappe. Det er alt, hvad der skal gøres. Tilslut dernæst USB-kablet til hovedmaskinen, som kører Fedora 12, 13 eller 14 og tænd printeren, mens du overvågen meddelelsesfiles ved hjælp af kommandoen tail.

Når du starter op, skulle printeren umiddelbart blive genkendt og meddelelsesfilen skulle vise, at enheden er blevet fundet korrekt og vise linjer som disse:

Nov 22 18:22:59 home1 kernel: [  336.170027] usb 1-1: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 4
Nov 22 18:22:59 home1 kernel: [  336.284908] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=04e8, idProduct=342b
Nov 22 18:22:59 home1 kernel: [  336.284911] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
Nov 22 18:22:59 home1 kernel: [  336.284914] usb 1-1: Product: SCX-4500W Series
Nov 22 18:22:59 home1 kernel: [ 336.284917] usb 1-1: Manufacturer: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

Et vindue dukker op og meddeler, at printeren er blevet tilføjet og tilbyder at tjekke indstillingerne - alt hvad du skal gøre er at ændre papirstørrelse fra UL Letter til A4 og så udskrive en testside; den skulle se perfekt ud.

Udskriv så en systemstatusside fra selve printeren - den skulle også være i orden; endelig skal du udskrive en testside fra hovedmaskinen.

Tjek så, at printeren kan ses af de andre maskiner på lokalnetværket. Hvis ikke, så gå til localhost:631 i en browser og sørg for at printeren deles med de andre maskiner.

Du kan prøve at bruge ethernetkablet sener eller ændre indstillingerne for trådløs forbindelse. Jeg skal placere den i det lokale netværk og give den en fornuftig IP-adresse i stedet standardadressen med 192. eftersom mit netværk er 10.0.0.x.

Scanning virker fint, men et par tilpasninger af konfigurationen er nødvendige.

The printer is working, despite being an unsupported printer - and only needs the two files pulled from the Samsung linux application allows the printer to work nicely.


I have also now tested scanning on the scx-4500w. For Fedora F14 it was necessary to add under the Samsung section of the file /lib/udev/rules.d/65-libsane.rules:

# Samsung SCX-4500W
 ATTRS{idVendor}=="04e8", ATTRS{idProduct}=="342b", ENV{libsane_matched}="yes"

This was the only step needed. Once the machine was rebooted then scanning worked (eg via GIMP)

Then I simply fired up the GIMP and asked it to scan - it found the scanner, and it worked without any further setup.

So although I have only tested the printing and scanning capability on Fedora 14 via the usb port it does work very nicely.

Yet to test:

  • 1) printer access via ethernet
  • 2) printer access via wireless
  • 3) scanner access via ether/wifi

If anyone has done any other tests on this Samsung SCX-4500W and has step-by-step setup details I would be interested to hear the information. Either way this is a nice printer, and very quiet in operation, and does look pretty cool too!

Network Access

The printer arrives set up with a default ip address of

In order to get the network interface working in my local LAN which is the in the ip range 10.0.x.x I initially booted up an old laptop and plugged in the crossover ethernet cable that comes with the printer. Then I stopped the NetworkManager service, and then started the "network" service.

Next step is to become root and put the laptop on the same ip range as the printer by typing:

ifconfig eth0 up

Then start Firefox and go to the address which immediately connects to the embedded management interface on the printer ( called "SyncThru" in Samsung parlance ) and displayed as a web page in Firefox.

Then it is straightforward to find the network page and change the ip address to either a static ip in the range of my local LAN or let it continue to use DHCP. In my case once I had the MAC address of the printer network interface I could add that to my local dhcp server config and give the printer a local name.

If you are not running your own dhcp server then it is probably easier to give it a static ip on the same range as your local LAN addresses.

The networking is arranged so that if the ethernet cable is plugged in on the printer then it uses the wired interface and if not then it will use the wireless interface.

So next go to the wireless interface page in SyncThru, and set up the required wireless settings for your own local wireless access point. In my case it uses WPA2 with AES encryption but your mileage may vary.

As soon as I disconnected the ethernet cable the printer connected to my wireless access point and received its ip address via my dhcp server. Then firing up Firefox on my main machine and going to the printer ip address connected me to the embedded management interface again (SyncThru). From there the usual range of printer settings was accessible and also monitoring of page usage and toner use.

Next to get printing via the network instead of via USB.

  1. In the main machine go to System -> Administration -> Printing -> New Printer
  2. Select Network Printer and the drop-down HP JetDirect (even though it isn't).
  3. Use the known printer IP in the "host" dialog and leave the default "Port 9100". Click Forward.
  4. Select ppd file (as in the sections above) and navigate to it - set the remaining parameters required. Change paper to A4.

Then I sent a test page - and printed a mail item - which seemed fine apart from the page size being a touch too small for the writing at the top and bottom. That can no doubt be tweaked as necessary later. Then any other machine on the network can either use the printer via cups or set it as an independent route via the network as above.

Since the wired cable had been removed this test print went via the wireless network to the scx-4500w. If the printer is wired to your local router via ethernet then the print goes via the wired router - you can't do wireless and wired at the same time.

Scanning via the Network

Scanning via the network was not attempted at the time of writing.