
From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Revision as of 16:26, 7 April 2011 by Caig (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)
Umbrello UML Modeller è uno strumento per diagrammi sviluppato da KDE che utilizza Unified Modelling Language (UML)

UML ti permette di creare diagrammi di software ed altri sistemi in un formato standard chiamato Unified Modelling Language cioè UML (

Content of diagrams can be exported into code. Existing code files can be parsed and imported to be used in diagrams.

The following diagram types are supported:

  • use case diagram
  • class diagram
  • sequence diagram
  • collaboration diagram
  • state diagram
  • activity diagram
  • component diagram
  • deployment diagram
  • entity relationship diagram

The Umbrello home page is at The source code can be found on websvn as part of the kdesdk package. Screenshots are found on this page.

Mailing lists are:


Umbrello is in a good state, when you are able

  • to parse its source code,
  • to draw diagrams and explore its architecture, classes and code
  • make changes to it
  • and generate the code again out of its model, so that you are ready to compile it again.

Or in other words, when you can use Umbrello for developing and improving itself.