Komunita KDE je přátelská a ochotná, takže zde najdete rady o tom, kde získat pomoc, a některé pokyny pro použití různých kanálů.
Kladení otázek řádně a rady o tom, co zkontrolovat, než se zeptáte a informace které shromáždit. | |
A list of IRC Channels specifically about KDE software and related issues. IRC usually brings replies fairly quickly, but probably not instantly. | |
Mailing Lists for help in using KDE applications. You receive all mail that goes to a Mailing List. | |
Forums are where you leave a message and check later for replies. Look for the check-box to get notifications of replies. | |
Websites lists KDE-related sites, as well as articles about using KDE software. | |
Troubleshooting is the place to look for help with configuration or hardware problems. |