Lav en ny side
Tilgængelige værktøjer
- Sidelayout hjælper dig med at få din side til at se ud som andre UserBase-sider.
- Værktøjskassen viser dig, hvordan du bruger wiki-markup til at opnå, hvad du vil.
- Typografiske retningslinjer standardiserer den markup, der bør bruges for at siden skal kunne oversættes, hvadenten det er til officielle manualer (DocBook] eller til andre sprog.
Beslut, hvor din side skal være
Many people choose to draft a page on their own Talk page, then move the result to the desired site. Sometimes there is a good reason for preferring to do it in the final location. If that is the case, consider using before your content {{Construction}} which will display
Wiki Structure
For the convenience of users we try to avoid creating a structure more than three levels deep, avoiding having to type long paths for page names. For most purposes, the following guide will suffice:
- Navigate to a page, which will contain a link to your new page
- Edit this page and insert a link to a new, not yet existing page like this: [[Special:myLanguage/My New Page]]
- Write a one-line summary of what you changed
- Hit the Preview button and check your work
- Save your edits.
Now the page shows a red colored link to your upcoming page. A click on this link will tell you, that the page doesn't exist yet, and offer you to create the page. Clicking this sends you directly to your new page and will open the edit box.