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Revision as of 09:54, 30 June 2011 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)

Paneler på Plasma-skrivebordet

Panel i indstillingstilstand med undermenuen Flere indstillinger åben.

Et Panel er en widgetbeholder, som kan placeres langs enhver af skrivebordets kanter. Der kan være mere end et panel langs samme kant. Standardlayoutet har et panel, som strækker sig over hele bunden af skrivebordet med følgende widgets: startmenuen, Skrivebordsvælgeren, Opgavelinjen (listen af åbne vinduer), Statusområdet og et ur. Hvis du bruger en bærbar, netbook eller anden batteriforsynet computer, så vil der også være et widget til strømstyring i panelet. For enden af panelet er der en knap til værktøjskassen, som kan aktiveres for at få adgang til indstillingsmulighederne.


Panelet kan indstilles ved at klikke på værktøjskassen, som findes i højre ende af vendrette paneler og for neden i lodrette paneler. Når du har gjort det, så er panelet i indstillingstilstand. Panelindstillingerne kan også nås via panelets kontekstmenu.

Pilene i hver ende af panelet lader dig justere panelets størrelse. Trækker du i pilen mens den peger nedad, så flyttes panelet.

Du kan ordne widget'ene i panelet ved at trække dem rundt mens panelet er i indstillingstilstand. Widgets retter ind mod venstre i vandrette paneler og mod toppen i lodrette paneler. \

Panelets værktøjskasse

  • Skærmkant: Lader dig trække panelet til enhver af skærmens fire kanter.
  • Højde (for vandrette paneler): Lader sig justere panelets højde.
  • Bredde (for lodrette paneler): Lader dig justere panelets bredde.
  • Add Widgets: Allows widgets to be added to the panel.
  • Add Spacer: Allows you to add a spacer into the panel giving space between the items in it.
    • The standard behavior of a spacer is that it uses as much space as possible (flexible size), but you can also set it to a fixed size:. Enter the context (right click) menu and deactivate Set Flexible Size.
  • Lock Widgets: Locks the panel and widgets in position. Also hides the toolbox.

The "More Settings" Menu

  • Panel Alignment: Allows the alignment of the panel to be set in three pre-set positions.
    • Left/Top
    • Center
    • Right/Bottom
  • Visibility
    • Always Visible: Keeps the panel visible at all times, even when windows are maximised.
    • Auto Hide: Hides the panel off screen until the mouse is placed near the screen edge.
    • Windows can cover: This allows windows to cover the panel and if maximised, will cover the panel.
    • Windows go below: This allows windows to go below the panel, even when maximised.
  • Maximize Panel: Makes the panel fit to the screen edges, if it has been resized.
  • Remove this panel: Removes the current panel and all widgets in it.

Multiple Panels

It is also possible to have more than one panel on your desktop. This proves useful if you want to have a more flexible layout:

Screenshot showing a desktop with multiple panels: a vertical panel with an application launcher, shortcuts and a system tray and a second panel placed horizontally at the top of the screen with a task manager and a clock.
Adding a Panel

To add a new panel either click on the desktop toolbox button and select Add Panel or open the context (right click) menu on the desktop and select Add Panel from the menu.

If more than one kind of Panel is installed, you will be able to select between them to choose what sort of Panel you would prefer. By default, two Panel types are available: Default Panel, which creates a Panel containing all of the default widgets (launcher, pager, tasks, system tray, clock, etc.), and Blank Panel, which adds an empty Panel without any pre-configured widgets in it.


The panels and desktop may be locked to prevent changes being made to them. When locked, the toolbox buttons will not be shown on either the desktop or on the panels. To configure a panel, it must be unlocked, otherwise the toolbox and context menu entries to configure or add widgets are unavailable.

Locking can be done by either selecting the Lock Widgets entry in the Panel toolbox's More Settings menu or in the Panel context (right click) menu. Once locked, the Panels can be unlocked again by right clicking on either a panel or desktop and selecting Unlock Widgets from the menu that is displayed.