Systemindstillinger/Genveje og gestusser

From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Revision as of 11:45, 9 July 2011 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)


KDE SC version 4.4.4

Stedet, hvor du starter er Systemindstillinger -> Inputhandlinger

Aktivér musegestusser

I det nederste venstre hjørne a vinduet finder du knappen Indstillinger. Sørg for at Gestusser er valgt. Indstil "Tidsudløb" som du synes. Jeg vælger 3 for at bruge den højre museknap, men museknapperne kan være anderledes på din mus. Hvis du ønsker, at inputhandlinger skal aktiveres automatisk, så vælg "Start dæmonen for input-handlinger ved login".

Lav handlingsgruppen for musegestusser

Højreklik på det venstre panel i et tomt område under listen med handlingsgrupper og vælg Ny gruppe. Omdøb gruppen til "Musegestusser" og marker valgfeltet knyttet til dens navn.

Creating a new mouse gesture

From now on I will assume that the new group is called "Mouse Gestures". Right click on Mouse Gestures and choose New -> Mouse Gesture Action (here there are three options but I didn't manage to work with "Send Keyboard Input") using "Command/URL" or "D-Bus Command" you will need to create a gesture and bind an action to it.

To create the gesture

Click on your New Action and select the Trigger tab. in the bottom of the screen there is an Edit button (click it). In the box that just opened draw your gesture using the left mouse button.

To bind an action

if you chose Command/URL simply enter that command/url under the Action tab at the Command/URL field.

Examples using Command/URL

Close window

This command will let you close the next window you mouse click on.

wmctrl may not support your Window Manager.

Command/URL: wmctrl -c :SELECT:

to close the active window

Command/URL: wmctrl -c :ACTIVE:

Translate clipboard content

This command will display a translation of the current clipboard content.

  • Required for this are:
    • xclip
    • libtranslate
Command/URL: kdialog --title "Translation" --msgbox "`xclip -o | translate -f en -t he -`"

Replace 'en' and 'he' with the desired source and destination language, if you are not sure, a full list of language codes is available from the ISO 639-2 list.

Examples using D-Bus

If you chose D-Bus, here are few examples.

Finding out what to fill where, is done with the help of the "Launch D-Bus Browser", using that browser you can find what method you wish to call in what application object. Using D-Bus we need to fill some fields, the field name will be regular and the content italic.


This will display the Runner dialog.

Remote Application: org.kde.krunner

Remote Object: /App

Function: org.kde.krunner.App.display

Audacious next/previous/pause/play/stop/repeat track

Remote Application: org.mpris.audacious

Remote Object: /Player

Function: org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer.Next (replace Next with Prev/Pause/Stop/Play/Repeat)

Audacious PlayPause track

If not playing will play, if playing will pause.

Remote Application: org.mpris.audacious

Remote Object: /org/atheme/audacious

Function: org.atheme.audacious.PlayPause

Klipper manually invoke action menu

display the actions pop-up. (I am using that to search and translate words)

Remote Application: org.kde.klipper

Remote Object: /klipper

Function: org.kde.klipper.klipper.showKlipperManuallyInvokeActionMenu