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Revision as of 11:33, 13 July 2011 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)
Modificer en eksisterende filtype eller lav en ny type


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Arbejdsfladen og de enkelte programmer kender de forskellige skags filer på deres filtype. Det er dette, der lader dem håndtere forskellige slags filer på passende vis. Denni dialog lader dig indstille, hvordan enhver kendt filtype skal håndteres. Den lader dig også definere nye filtyper eller modificere, hvordan en kendt type genkendes.

Indstil kendte filtyper

I listen til venstre i vinduet finder du et søgeværktøj og en liste med alle kendte filtyper samlet i et antal grupper. For at finde en filtype kan du skrive en del af den navn eller af et filnavnmønster i inputlinjen for oven.


Hvis du søger efter en filtype baseret på dens filendelse, så er det måske nødvendigt at angive punktummet eksplicit. Hvis du for eksempel søger filtypen for filer med navne, der ender på ".c" (kildefiler for programmeringssproget c), så skriv *.c eller blot .c men ikke *c. I denne sammenhæng optræder asterisken ("*") ikke som et jokertegn.

You can also browse the list of file types. Just expand the relevant category, and go through the list of file types that appear. Some of these list are very long, though.

To modify a file type, locate it in the list of file types and click on its name. Now you will see two tabs in the right side of the dialog.

In the General tab you can change the icon associated with this type of file by clicking the icon button in the top left of the tab. You can add or remove file name patterns in the Filename Patterns list, thereby defining which files are recognized as having this type. The Application Preference Order list in the bottom part of the tab names the applications that will show up in the context menu, when you right click on a file of this type. The first application in the list is the the one that is used when you left click on the file.

The options in the Embedding tab affect how the file type is handled by Konqueror, when it is used as a file manager.

Adding new file types

To add a new file type click on the Add... button below the list of file types in the right side of the window. That brings up a dialog where you should select a group from the Group dropdown list and enter a name in the Type Name text field. Then click the OK button to create your new file type.


You may need to go to the end of the list of files in the group to find your new file type.

Now you can edit the new file type in exactly the same way that you modified an existing file type.