Si teniu experiència enviant SMS amb KDE 4, si us plau, comuniqueu-nos-ho.
Com enviar SMS utilitzant Kontact
Creeu un compte a smsjoker (o algun de similar). Els preus estan bé i els SMS escrits a l'ordinador són roques.
Carregueu l'script «smsjoker-script» des de kde-apps.org. Obriu Konsole i amb permisos de root. Copieu l'script a /usr/local/bin i feu-lo executable:
# cp smsjoker-script /usr/local/bin/ # chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/smsjoker-script
Crideu al programa com usuari normal una vegada.
$ smsjoker-script
Now you will find a hidden file called “.smsjoker-script” in your home directory. Open this file with e.g. Kate and change the parameters and . Use values you have used when creating your account.
Last step has to be done in Kontact. Open addressbook and select .
Look for
and enter the following string:smsjoker-script "%N" "%F"
Captura de pantalla:
Com es fer servir?
Select a contact in your
which includes mobile phone number and click on .Captura de pantalla:
A small window appears. Please enter your message.
Captura de pantalla:
After clicking on your SMS is sent.
Another small passive window appears and informs you about the delivery status and account balance.