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Kontact Touch/MeeGo

From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Revision as of 16:13, 14 July 2011 by Abella (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Utilitzeu simplement les icones per iniciar un dels frontals de '''Kontact Touch'''. (Des de 09-02-2011).")

Hi ha paquets beta de Kontact Touch per a MeeGo. Molta gent utilitza el portàtil/tablet Ideapad amb MeeGo Netbook UX 1.1. Heu vist el vídeo? Unes curtes instruccions d'instal lació, utilitzant la línia d'ordres (accessible a través de Aplicacions -> Eines del sistema -> Terminal) :

zypper addrepo http://repo.pub.meego.com/home:/mkruisselbrink:/kde/meego_1.1_core/home:mkruisselbrink:kde.repo
zypper refresh
zypper in kontact-touch

Utilitzeu simplement les icones per iniciar un dels frontals de Kontact Touch. (Des de 09-02-2011).

Make sure to check out the general Kontact Touch page, especially note the recommendation to use KWallet in the account setup section.

If you have problems hitting the flaps on your touchscreen, you can make some changes to some files in your installation to make them wider. Do at least the change to SlideoutPanel.qml seen in the bottom of this page as root and restart your frontend.

Initial developers version announced here.