Velkommen til Kword, et stærkt tekstbehandlingsprogram med alle gængse funktioner, som også kan bruges til desktop publishing. |
KWord er tekstbehandleren i kontorpakken KOffice og har også de funktioner, der skal til, for at kunne fungere som et DTP-program. KOffice er designet til fuldt ud at udnytte KDE skrivebordets funktioner og til at integrere gnidningsfrit med dets medfødte programmer.
Frame-Oriented Word Processing
If you've been using Microsoft Word, Wordperfect, or you've become accustomed to page-oriented word processing. Kword is a frame-oriented word processor, which means a great deal more flexibility when it comes to modern content-based document creation. Documents rarely consist of just text anymore; they're more likely to contain a combination of text and objects such as pictures, charts, and graphs.
A frame-oriented word processor places text and other objects inside movable, re-sizable boundaries known as frames. If you create a default blank page a single frame is created, set to the margins of the page. You can add as many frames as you like and place them wherever they need to go. You can also connect two frames so that when the text overruns the first frame it flows into the second. The frame-oriented approach provides great flexibility of layout.