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From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Revision as of 07:20, 21 July 2011 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)

Tellico bruger XSL-skabeloner til formattering af informationen, som vises i hovedvinduet, samt til at lave rapporter, eksportere til HTML og udskrive.

Data fra Tellico videregives til en skabelon i XML-format, som konverterer data til HTML, for at kunne vise dem. Skabelonerne kan gøre fuld brug af CSS og Javascript og kan henvise til billeder og objekter, som opbevares lokalt eller på internettet.

User-contributed templates may be downloaded from KDE-Files.org.

All templates should be installed in the local KDE application directory. The specific path may be found by adding /tellico/ to the output from the command:

kde4-config --path data

The location is likely to be


Entry Templates

Entry templates are used in the main window for showing the information for a single entry (book, album, etc.). The screenshot below is the Berean Curves template.

The directory for installing entry templates is the application path, mentioned earlier, followed by /entry-templates/. For example, most users would install entry templates in


After installing a new template, open the Configure Tellico dialog to the Templates page and select the new template. Templates can also be previewed there.

Entry templates can also be installed or downloaded directly from within Tellico from the same Settings -> Configure Tellico dialog.

Report Templates

Report Templates process the information for the complete collection. Some templates will show only titles, images, or collection statistics.

The directory for installing report templates is the application path, mentioned earlier, followed by /report-templates/. For example, most users would install templates in


After installing a new template, open the Report dialog. The new template should be available there.