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Translators - off-line, with Group

Welcome to the Translator group.You will notice on Translation_Workflow#Language-specific_guideline_pages that a Team Leader exists for your language. While there is no requirement for you to contact your Team Leader, it would be appreciated if you do so.

The option to export messages for off-line working is found in the first combibox of the page you reach via the Translate this Page link. When you work off-line we ask you to send your first set of messages to me for uploading. Once it is confirmed that they upload without a problem you will be told how to upload them yourself.

Please ask if you are unsure about anything. Enjoy!

Translators - off-line, without Team Leader

Welcome to the Translator group. The option to export messages for off-line working is found in the first combibox of the page you reach via the Translate this Page link. When you work off-line we ask you to send your first set of messages to me for uploading. Once it is confirmed that they upload without a problem you will be told how to upload them yourself.

Please ask if you are unsure about anything. Enjoy!

Translators - on-line, no Team Leader

Welcome to the Translator group. Please read Tasks_and_Tools, Translate_a_Page and Translation_Workflow before starting work. You will find lots of help linked from those pages, but please ask if there is anything you don't understand. Enjoy!

Translators - on-line, with Team Leader

Welcome to the Translator group. Please read Tasks_and_Tools, Translate_a_Page and Translation_Workflow before starting work. You will find lots of help linked from those pages, but please ask if there is anything you don't understand. You will notice that Translation_Workflow has a link to a language specific page, where the Team Leader for your language is named. He/She will always help with language-specific questions. Enjoy!