Funktionerne inkluderer:
- Opgavestyring ved brug af Opgaveredigeringen
- Arbejdsfordeling med konfigurerbare wbs-koder
- Opgaver, sammenfatningsopgaver og milepæle
- Forskellige slags tidsbegrænsninger
- Forskellige slags afhængigheder.
- Resource management using the Resource Editor
- Resource breakdown structure
- Working- and material resource types
- Resource allocation on group level
- Resource teams
- Resource management using the Resource Editor
- Work time & vacation definition using the Work and Vacation Editor
- Cost management using the Cost Breakdown Structure Editor
- Earned value management
- Project scheduling using the Schedules Editor
- Schedule forward from start time or backwards from finish time
- Allow or avoid resource overbooking
- PERT distribution with optimistic-, pessimistic-, and most likely estimates
- Multiple schedules with possibility to schedule from current progress information
- Project scheduling using the Schedules Editor
- Task tracking using the Task Execution View or Task Status View