Solució de problemes
Per a iniciar-vos
Tard o d'hora us adonareu que alguna cosa no funciona correctament, de manera que aquí hi ha alguns consells generals sobre solució de problemes, després trobareu alguns enllaços a problemes més específics.
Tècniques generals per a la solució de problemes
There are a few basic steps that can help in troubleshooting problems with KDE software. You should try these steps before asking on #kde or the kde general mailing list, since you'll probably be told to try them anyway
- Try creating a new user and running your KDE software with that user. If the problem doesn't occur with the new user, there's probably a problem with a file in your ~/.kde directory (with every reference to this directory, bear in mind that some distros call it ~/.kde4). You should then try:
- Rename the file causing the problem. To find an appropriate file, look in ~/.kde/share/apps/application-name or in ~/.kde/share/config/application-namerc where application-name is the name of the application you are having problems with. The config file is the most likely problem.
- Log out, then log in afresh. New default files will replace your renamed ones.
- Clean out /tmp and /var/tmp. KDE stores some temporary files which can sometimes cause problems. You will need to be root to do this. You might also like to try removing the following files. Make sure you exit KDE first though! (The easiest safe way is to choose Failsafe at bootup.):
- ~/.dbus
- ~/.kde/tmp-nom_màquina que normalment és un enllaç simbòlic al següent fitxer:
- /tmp/tmp-kde-USUARI
- ~/.kde/socket-nom_màquina que també és normalment un enllaç simbòlic a:
- /tmp/ksocket-USER
- If you're running an old release from KDE, try updating to the latest version - many bugs are fixed with each new version, so your problem might already be fixed.
- Try searching the Bugzilla. Many common problems have been reported and discussed there.
- If your problem is more general than just one KDE application (e.g., "sound stops working when I start my KDE desktop"), try starting X with a different window manager. Even if you haven't installed another WM, 'twm' will be available, as it ships by default with X.
- If you start X with the 'startx' command, just put the appropriate command in the file .xinitrc in your home directory. (If it doesn't exist, create it)
- If you start your desktop from kdm, this will not work.
Some specific problems
Problemes de so
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Solució de problemes en els perifèrics
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Rendiment de la targeta gràfica
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Gestió de la xarxa
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