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Translations:Tutorials/Install KDE software/16/ca

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Revision as of 14:41, 12 March 2012 by Allman (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Normalment no necessiteu realitzar canvis d'aquesta configuració. The software sources can be added by going to the <menuchoice>Other software</menuchoice> tab, where you can cl...")
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Normalment no necessiteu realitzar canvis d'aquesta configuració. The software sources can be added by going to the Other software tab, where you can click on the add button and type (or copy and paste) the software source address in the dialog that opens:

Et Normalment no necessita per canviar aquests enquadraments. Les fonts de programari poden ser afegides a través de la pestanya Altre programari, on podeu clicar al botó afegir i teclejar (o copiar i enganxar) l'adreça de la font del programari en el quadre de diàleg que s'obre: