Digikam/Reconeixement facial
Reconeixement facial al digiKam 2.0
Transcrit des de l'article d'en Dmitri Popov, l'11 d'abril de 2011
El reconeixement facial ha estat una de les característiques més requerides al digiKam i la darrera versió de l'aplicació de gestió fotogràfica la proveeix.
As the name suggests, the face recognition functionality can be used to find photos containing faces and attach face tags to persons in photos. This lets you quickly locate all photos of a specific person using digiKam filtering capabilities.
Tagging faces in digiKam is a rather straightforward procedure. Open the photo you want in the preview pane, press the
button, draw a rectangle around a face on the photo, enter the face tag (e.g., the person’s name), and press .

Tagging faces manually can be a daunting proposition, especially if you have a considerable number of photos of people. Fortunately, digiKam can do the donkey job of automatically identifying faces for you. Expand the sidebar, and press the button. In the Scanning Faces window tick the check box. By default, digiKam scans all collections and tags, but you can limit the scan operation to certain albums and tags. To do this, press the button and select the albums and tags you want from the drop-down list in the section. While at it, you can tweak the face detection parameters in the section. Press then the button and let digiKam do its job. Once the scan is completed, you should see all photos containing faces. You can then go through the scanned photos to fix face tags and remove incorrectly identified images.