
From KDE Wiki Sandbox
Revision as of 07:47, 14 April 2012 by Juanman (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Visite [] para buscar que repositorio cubre sus necesidades.")


Calligra 2.4 es la actual versión estable.

Arch Linux

Arch Linux provee paquetes de Calligra en el repositorio kde-unstable.


Paquetes de Fedora para Calligra están disponibles en el repositorio unstable del Proyecto de Empaqueteado de KDE. Calligra 2.4 es la versión estable actual.


Paquetes disponibles en area51


Gentoo ha empaquetado Calligra en Portage, etiquetado como unstable.


  • Instantáneas de git diariamente construidas son provistas aquí (note el foco en mobile/Plasma Active para estos paquetes)

Visite [1] para buscar que repositorio cubre sus necesidades.


Ubuntu users can get a nightly build of Calligra with the Project Neon, you need to add ppa:neon/ppa to your sources.list and install project-neon-calligra package.

This script installs project neon and calligra:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neon/ppa \
 && sudo apt-get update\
 && sudo apt-get install project-neon-base \
   project-neon-calligra \

In order to run the installed packages you have to logout and choose "Project Neon" from the login screen. Neon always has the latest version, not necessarily the beta releases.

Oneiric Ocelot

Latest calligra beta release packages (together with KDE SC 4.8 (pre)release pkgs)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta \
 && sudo apt-get update\
 && sudo apt-get install calligra

Precise Pangolin

Ubuntu's current development version Precise Pangolin has calligra packages in the standard universe repository.


KO GmbH has released a Windows installer. Please go to the Download Page

The Windows version is in the works, and is at the moment, highly experimental.