System Settings/Shortcuts and Gestures/zh-tw
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Edit system wide keyboard shortcuts and mouse gestures |

Custom Shortcuts
Here you edit settings for input actions, including mouse gestures.

Standard Keyboard Shortcuts
Here you can configure the keyboard shortcuts for a number of actions common to many applications. This includes actions such as Open, Save, Close, Cut, Copy, Paste, Find, and many more.

Global Keyboard Shortcuts
Global keyboard shortcuts are used to interface with applications that do not display an interface. Settings for such shortcuts are edited here.
The place where you start is (in KDE SC 4.5 it is )
按鈕。確定 復選框已經打鉤。設定你認為合適的愈時時間。滑鼠按鍵可能你那邊會不一樣,我是用 3 來設定使用滑鼠右鍵。如果你希望i輸入動作自動啟用,勾選上面的"登入時啟動輸入動作守護程式"。創建滑鼠手勢動作組
,選擇 (這裏有三個選項,但是我沒打算用"傳送鍵盤輸入"),使用"指令/網址" 或 "D-Bus 指令",你需要創建一個手勢綁定到動作上。創建手勢
,選擇 分頁。介面底部有個 按鈕(點它)。在打開的框用滑鼠'左鍵繪制手勢。綁定動作
,只需要在 分頁的 區域輸入指令或網址便可。指令/網址 示例
此指令可以讓你關閉滑鼠點擊的窗口。 Template:Note (zh TW)
Command/URL: wmctrl -c :SELECT:
Command/URL: wmctrl -c :ACTIVE:
Translate clipboard content
This command will display a translation of the current clipboard content.
- Required for this are:
- xclip
- libtranslate
Command/URL: kdialog --title "Translation" --msgbox "`xclip -o | translate -f en -t he -`"
Replace 'en' and 'he' with the desired source and destination language, if you are not sure, a full list of language codes is available from the ISO 639-2 list.
Examples using D-Bus
If you chose D-Bus, here are few examples.
Finding out what to fill where, is done with the help of the "Launch D-Bus Browser", using that browser you can find what method you wish to call in what application object. Using D-Bus we need to fill some fields, the field name will be regular and the content italic.
This will display the Runner dialog.
Remote Application: org.kde.krunner
Remote Object: /App
Function: org.kde.krunner.App.display
Audacious next/previous/pause/play/stop/repeat track
Remote Application: org.mpris.audacious
Remote Object: /Player
Function: org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer.Next (replace Next with Prev/Pause/Stop/Play/Repeat)
Audacious PlayPause track
If not playing will play, if playing will pause.
Remote Application: org.mpris.audacious
Remote Object: /org/atheme/audacious
Function: org.atheme.audacious.PlayPause
display the actions pop-up. (I am using that to search and translate words)
Remote Application: org.kde.klipper
Remote Object: /klipper
Function: org.kde.klipper.klipper.showKlipperManuallyInvokeActionMenu