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Revision as of 07:20, 16 September 2012 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)

Fuld KDE på små skærme (fx netbooks)

KDE's Plasma Netbook er en arbejdsflade lavet specielt til små letvægtsenheder som netbooks.


  • Søg efter og kør programmer på en nem måde
  • Rig internetoplevelse
  • Organisér din plads mere effektivt


Plasma Netbook kræver 3D-acceleration for at fungere ordentligt. Det er derfor ikke tilrådeligt at prøve den i et miljø uden kompositing. I menneskesprog betyder det: du har brug for et system som kan klare 3D med de rette indstillinger. De fleste moderne systemer (herunder stort set all netbooks) opfylder dette, men nogle 3D-videokort, særligt de der afhænger af ikke-fri drivere (ATI, NVIDIA) gør under tiden ikke.

Hvordan man aktiverer det

For at aktivere Netbook-miljøet skal du gå til Systemindstillinger, vælge Arbejdsområdets opførsel og i gruppen Arbejdsområde vælge Netbook i drop-ned-listen Type af arbejdsområde.

Tips og tricks

Skift imellem opgaver

Windows will be fully maximized, without taskbar(s) or window decoration (window title & buttons to close/minimize etc) visible.

To change tasks you can do two things:

  • use the probably familiar alt-tab shortcut
  • go to the top-left of the screen with your mouse and bump into the corner. All windows will show up, scaled, on your screen. Choose one with the mouse or type (part of) a name and hit enter.

Taskbar or panel

There is a hidden panel on the top of your screen. If you bump your mouse against the top of your screen, it will become visible.

Closing or changing windows

On the right it has a close button which will close your current window. If you click on the "X running tasks" left of it, you will see all running tasks scaled on the screen (like when you push with your mouse in the top-left corner of the screen).


Left to the button showing "X running tasks" is the systemtray with icons showing network connection and battery life.

Launching apps

Next to the system tray, to the left of the panel, are buttons to go to the application launcher or to the pages you have defined. Click on the launcher and you can start applications by clicking the categories or using the search.


Next to the app launcher you have your first 'page'. Each page has one or more rows of widgets, small applications. These can be used to quickly show you news, view upcoming appointments, control your music player or even browse a webpage.

Add widgets

Click on the Plasma logo (cashew) on the bottom of the page. A configuration bar will pop up. Unlock the desktop, and you will be able to add widgets (click add widgets and drag and drop the widgets to the desired location) or add more pages. You can also configure a page, give it a proper name, a new background etcetera.

Add a page

Click on the Plasma logo (cashew) on the bottom of the page. A configuration bar will pop up. Unlock the desktop, and you will be able to add a page.

Configure the page

Click on the Plasma logo (cashew) on the bottom of the page. A configuration bar will pop up. Unlock the desktop, and you will be able to configure the page. You can now give it a background, a name, and more.