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Amarok/Manual/Draft/Scrobbling to Libre.fm

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Revision as of 21:22, 26 September 2012 by Myriam (talk | contribs) (add draft category tag)

This tutorial will let you scrobble to the Libre.fm scrobbling service the music you hear in Amarok.

lastfmsubmitd installation and configuration

You will need lastfmsubmitd daemon in order to scroll to Libre.fm. So download it from your distribution repositories if available, or compile it from source.

Once it is installed, it's time to configure it. First you will need to manually edit its configuration file, whose location will depend on your distribution. When you know its location, edit it as root and fill in your libre.fm user information (username and password) and add the lines needed to specify Libre.fm's server:

user : your_librefm_userid
password : your_librefm_password

url = http://turtle.libre.fm/

It's done. Now, you have to start lastfmsubmitd and lastmp daemons, and you might want to make sure they are started in your system on every boot. The way to do it vary from a distro to another, so ask yours.

Amarok2LibreFM installation

This is the easiest step. You just need to download Amarok2LibreFM, open Amarok, and go to Tools -> Script Manager. There, press Install Script and search for the archive you have just downloaded (in case you can't see it, make sure the file browser is not filtering results following any pattern).

The script will become active as soon as you restart Amarok.

Permissions configuration

Now you need to make sure you have permissions to write to the folders /var/log/lastfm/ and /var/spool/lastfm/. In case your user is part of the audio group (whih you can see running id in a console as your user), these lines (both) should do the job:

sudo chown :audio /var/log/lastfm/ /var/spool/lastfm/ -R
sudo chmod -R 775 /var/log/lastfm/ /var/spool/lastfm/