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Revision as of 14:04, 31 October 2012 by Bushuev (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{|class="tablecenter" style="border: 1px solid grey;" |center|500px |- |'''Панель Инструментов Редактора т...")


Титры это текстовые элементы, которые могут быть добавлены на Линию времени и появляться поверх других клипов. Титры создаются в дереве проекта и перетаскиваются на Линию времени подобно остальным видеоклипам.

Для создания титров выберите Добавить клип титров (Add Title Clip) в Меню Проект или правой кнопкой мыши из меню Дерева проекта

Как сохранить титры

Откройте титр в Дереве проекта дважды щелкнув по нему, или выбрав правой кнопкой мышиСвойства клипа (Clip Properties).

Нажмите кнопку Сохранить как (Save As) на панели инструментов

Панель инструментов редактора титров, когда окно достаточно широко для отображения всех панелей инструментов.
Пункты панели инструментов: Выделение, Добавить текст, Добавить прямоугольник, Добавить изображение, Открыть документ, Сохранить как

или выберите Сохранить как (Save as) в выпадающем меню , которое открывается >> кнопкой на панели инструментов - см. рисунок.

Панель Инструментов Редактора титров когда ширины окна редактора не хватает для отображения всей панели инструментов.
Элементы панели, которым не хватило места, могут быть доступны через кнопку >> которая появляется в конце панели инструментов.

Выберите место для сохранения вашего проекта.

The titles are saved as .kdenlivetitle type documents.

How to Load a Title

Choose Add Title Clip from the Add Clip drop down (see picture)

Click the Open Document button on the Title Clip editor toolbar or choose Open document from the >> menu and load up a title saved earlier.

How to edit an existing title

Right click the title clip in the project tree and select Clip properties.

Template Titles - User Defined

Template Titles allow you create a template for other titles in your project. You can create the template title with the settings that all the titles in the project should have and then base subsequent titles on the template. If you decide to change the look of you titles you only need change the template title and the titles based on this template will automatically update to reflect any formating changes you made to the template title.

To create a template title

Choose Add Title Clip from the Add Clip drop down and create a title with the text %s in it and formated how you desire it. Save it this title as described above.

To use the template title

Choose Add Template Title from the Add Clip drop down and choose the title with the %s in it that you just saved.

Right click this clip in the project tree and select Clip Properties

Enter the text that this title should display into the text field in the dialog that appears

Drag the title to the timeline.

The %s in the template will be replaced with the text that you enter in the Clip Properties -> Text.

A known issue with template titles is that text centering of the %s replaced text does not work - see this forum post.

Template Titles - Built In

Kdenlive has some built-in title templates that can be accessed from the Template drop-down list found on the bottom of the Title Clip window - see below.

To install more built in title templates choose Download New Title Templates from the settings menu.

Import an Image into the title

On the Toolbar overflow menu (>>) shown in the picture below the second menu item - labeled only with Alt+I - is the Add Image Button. Selecting this brings up a file chooser where you can choose an image to be inserted into your title.

Draw Rectangle Toolbar Item

The 1st menu item shown in the picture above - labeled only with Alt+R is the Add Rectangle button. After selecting this - drag the mouse to draw a rectangle. Use the rectangle toolbar (shown below) to change the fill color, border color and border width of the rectangle.

The rectangles can be placed behind text by selecting them and the changing the Z-index (top right corner) to a lower value.

To make the title scroll vertically

Put a long title onto the title window. Zoom out so you can see it all. The text should run off the top (or bottom) of the viewable area.

Select the Animation tab and click Edit start. Now drag the start rectangle to above the viewable area.

Select Edit end and drag the end rectangle to below the viewable area.

Click OK and preview the scrolling title.

The above title scrolls so that text scrolls up the screen. It is as if the camera starts on the "start rectangle" and then pans down to the "end rectangle"

To make the title scroll Horizontally

Use the instructions for vertical scrolling - just put the start and stop rectangles off to the sides of the screen rather than the top and bottom


Q: How to duplicate a title clip to modify it slightly

A: You can save a copy of the title (see How to Save a Title) and then create a new title based on that saved version as described above, Or you could use the template titles functionality to base the two slightly different titles on the one template.