digiKam/Еталонні криві Photoshop
Використання еталонних кривих Adobe Photoshop у digiKam
Створено на основі допису у блозі Дмітрія Попова (Dmitri Popov), 17 грудня 2012 року
While digiKam can’t handle Adobe Photoshop curve presets directly, the application supports curves in the GIMP-compatible CRV format. So if you want to use Adobe Photoshop curve presets with digiKam, you have to convert them into .crv files — and the acv2gimp.py Python script can help you with that. Before you put the script to use, make sure that Python is installed on your system. Next, use the chmod +x acv2gimp.py
command to make the script executable. Once you’ve done that, you can convert a curve preset by running the ./acv2gimp.py
command followed by the name of the file in the ACV format:
./acv2gimp.py curvepreset.acv
By default, the converted file has the same name as the original preset sans the file extension (e.g., curvepreset.acv becomes curvepreset), but you can use the -o parameter to specify a different name:
./acv2gimp.py -o converteredcurvepreset.crv curvepreset.acv
To load the converted curve preset in digiKam, open a photo for editing and choose
. Press then the button and select the converted curve.