深藏不露的专用文件管理器 |
- 拆分窗口 - 在同一时间查看使用2个目录
- 每个窗口可设置(和记忆)独立的视图属性
- 支持多标签页浏览
- 右侧采用可选的信息面板
- 或者选择在窗口内显示基本属性信息
- 使用'面包屑(breadcrumb)'导航来加快操作
- 一键切换到可编辑的地址栏
- 添加传统目录导航文件夹面板
- 在当前浏览的目录打开一个终端
- 多数功能都支持键盘快捷键操作
- 问题:Dolphin 的菜单项 和/或 没有任何选项。系统设置的 Nepomuk 已经启用。
- 解决方法:重命名这个文件夹 ~/.kde4/share/apps/dolphin (有些发行版是 ~/.kde/share/apps/dolphin 路径),重启 Dolphin。这会重置 Dolphin 的所有设定,重现菜单项。如果一切正常了,你可以删掉改名后的那个文件夹。这个问题在我升级 KDE 4.4 到 4.5 途中发生过。
Problem: When I choose the application to open a specific filetype with, it seems to affect other filetypes too. It’s like Dolphin cannot tell the difference between the two different filetypes.
- Solution: Probably the KDE platform does not know about one of the two filetypes, so it associates the filetype to a different, known filetype. This is common with XML-based filetypes; even if they use a file extension of their own (e.g. .xliff or .graphml), if they are not a filetype known by the KDE platform, they will be treated as any other XML file, and opened with the default application to open XML files.
- To solve this issue, you can use File Associations to create an entry for the unrecognized filetype.
文件管理,文件管理器,文件浏览器,标记,元数据, Nepomuk