< KWord
The KWord Handbook
Mike McBride
Gary Cramblitt (garycramblitt
Revision 1.5 (2006-04-23)
Copyright © 2000-2006 Michael McBride
Copyright © 2006 Gary Cramblitt
KWord is a complete word-processing and simple desktop publishing program. It is part of the KOffice suite of utilities.
This manual describes KWord 1.5.
- Starting KWord
- Introduction to Templates
- The difference between Text Oriented and Page Layout templates
Step by Step Tutorial
- Choosing the initial template
- Selecting a frame and entering text into that frame
- Changing the size of a frame
- Moving a frame on the page and layering frames
- Adding a new frame and Making text flow between two frames
- Deleting a frame
- Tutorial Summary
The KWord Window
Detailed Guides
- Beginning a New Document
- Saving a Document
- Retrieving a Saved Document
- Printing A Document
- Editing your Document
- Using Multiple Views
- Undo and Redo
- Cut, Copy, Paste and the Clipboard
- Finding and Replacing Text
- Spellchecking
- Finding a related word (Thesaurus)
- Autocorrection
- Autocompletion
Document Layout Guides
- Formatting the Page
- Working with Frames
- Setting the Properties for a Frame
- Formatting Paragraphs
- Using Tab Stops
- Formatting Characters
- Text styles
- Columns
- Lists
- Headers and Footers
- Creating Templates, Saving a document as a template and Deleting Templates
More than Just Text
- Entering Document information
- Handling Graphics
- Table of Contents
- Document Variables
- Expressions
- Document Links
- Document Comments
- Footnotes and Endnotes
- KOffice Data Integration
- Inserting files
- Document bookmarks
- Formulae
For Users with Disabilities
Advanced Topics
How do I...]
- How do I get the pages numbers on the outsides of the pages and the title in the middle of the header (like a novel)?
- How do I create a .pdf file?
- How do I remove template categories from the startup dialog
The Menu Items/Toolbars
- Introduction to the Menubar and Toolbars
- Hiding, Changing, and Moving Toolbars
- The Menubar
- The File Toolbar
- The Format ToolBar
- The Insert Toolbar
- The Edit Toolbar
- The Paragraph Toolbar
- The Border Toolbar
- The Formula Toolbar
Working with Color
Working with Files
Set up KWord Options
- Configure Key Bindings (keyboard shortcuts)
- Configure Toolbars
- Configure KWord User Interface
- Questions and Answers