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Revision as of 16:05, 29 April 2013 by Okias (talk | contribs) (add Gentoo)

How to install KDevelop 4.5

Arch Linux

KDevelop, KDevelop-php (with docs) and KDevelop-Python are in the [extra] repository. To install any just type:

 pacman -S kdevelop
 pacman -S kdevelop-php
 pacman -S kdevelop-python


The latest version of KDevelop and KDevelop-php (with docs) packaged for Fedora is contained in the default repository and can be installed using:

 yum install kdevelop


 yum install kdevelop-php

or by installing the above packages through Apper.

Packages of version 4.5 are currently (as of April 27, 2013) being prepared for official updates and should replace 4.4.1 in a few days.

Gentoo Linux

KDevelop, KDevelop-php (with docs) and KDevelop-Python are in the kde overlay. To install any just type:

 layman -a kde
 emerge -av kdevelop
 pacman -av kdevelop-python

From Sources

You can compile it like any other KDE project: [1]

9f76375166f729782b30ee65f898a91db4593f4df776de522d3fae2c1d4ce608 ./kdevelop-4.5.0.tar.bz2
4b4af217eb81965fd25eed816715549fc50f935bcec1aa79a8b94454f39f79b1 ./kdevplatform-1.5.0.tar.bz2
73f3187e70f57ab2817ef1f023620b913d476a6433db98bcd28d58dc1649411d ./kdevelop-php-1.5.0.tar.bz2
7dfd3b42dab49dff3ab08d31c632ba7ba3637c8edf3845063e834e15cc45a5b1 ./kdevelop-php-docs-1.5.0.tar.bz2

Example: Distro Name, version

Explaination of what needs to be done, risks

 #commands to execute
 install kdevelop 4.5