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Revision as of 19:46, 17 March 2014 by Andrew (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Spacing and Padding == Create breathing room. Visual elements are spaced a minimum distance from each other and edges. Spacing (and/or color) is used to group or separate e...")
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Spacing and Padding

Create breathing room. Visual elements are spaced a minimum distance from each other and edges. Spacing (and/or color) is used to group or separate elements.

  • A 4px grid is recommended for spacing and padding of visual elements.
  • Multiples of 4 px (8px, 16px, etc.) is used where more spacing is required.
  • A 4px padding is the minimum recommended padding inside elements (buttons, drop boxes, text fields, etc.)
  • An 8px padding is the minimum recommended padding inside grouping boundaries (group boxes, tabs, etc.)