Amarok — музыкальный менеджер от команды KDE. |
Amarok — свободный, кроссплатформенный и многофункциональный музыкальный плеер. Он позволяет легко управлять коллекцией, автоматически собирая данные, и поддерживает работу с сервисами такими, как Jamendo,, Magnatune и Librivox. Также плеер имеет возможность кастомизации под собственные нужды пользователей. Текущая стабильная версия: 2.8.
Если вы новичок в Amarok, вы можете посмотреть руководство новичка или найти справочник по Amarok.
По умолчанию интерфейс Amarok состоит из трёх панелей.
Левая панель (источники музыки)
Панель Источники музыки — место, где вы имеете доступ к локальной коллекции или к другим сервисам:
Центральная панель (просмотр контекста)
Здесь отображается вся информация. Центральная панель содержит динамический просмотр информации о музыкальном треке, который воспроизводится в данный момент. Вы можете увидеть рейтинг и число прослушиваний с помощью аплета Текущая дорожка, а также прослушать ранее запущенный композиции, текст песни и страницу автора в Википедии. |
Правая панель (просмотр списков)
Amarok has the most configurable playlist of any music player in existence. It puts the power in your hands to shape the playlist any way you see fit. To start you off, there are three pre-configured playlist layouts that you can use as starting points to create the layout that fits your flow the best. You can generate playlist dynamically with various bias or use the Automatic Playlist Generator, shuffle, play at random or repeat, queue tracks and save the existing playlists for later use. |
Воспроизведение музыки
Amarok can support most popular formats for music files. The actual list of formats depends on the codecs installed and the Phonon audio backend in use on your system. There is also support for traditional playlists — you can create, save and load all the playlists you want. |
Поддержка устройств
Amarok offers support for a great variety of Media devices such as iPods, MTP and UMS devices.
The button at the top of the collection lets you merge collections. This means songs from your local collection, audio CD, mp3-player and so on will be shown in one unified collection. It is a toggle switch so you can easily revert to showing the separate sources. |
Конфигурация просмотра
The Context view, the centerpiece attraction in Amarok, can automatically fetch contextual information about the currently playing song (such as album art, lyrics or Wikipedia information) from the Internet and display them. This is one of the unique features of the Amarok series. |
Больше Интернет-сервисов
Amarok opens the gateway to a rich multimedia experience on the Internet.
And that is just the beginning — you can add even more Internet services using the . |
Менеджер скриптов
Scripts are add-ons that allow you to extend Amarok’s functionality in innovative ways. You use the | option to open the Amarok Add-on Installer window.
Менеджер обложек
You can browse through your music collection using the nifty | that displays the album art, download covers from various sources or let Amarok check automatically for covers in the internet.
Рейтинг и популярность
You can show your love for the songs by rating them. Amarok supports ½⋅✩ ratings, too. In addition, Amarok can calculate a score (a sort of guessed rating) depending on metrics such as how often you listen to or skip a song. |
This is an innovative interface that offers contextual options (such as the ones you see in a right-click menu) that you can "drop" a song into. Grab a track and see the Pop-Up Dropper appear in the context view pane! |
Configurable Playlist View
The currently loaded playlist is highly configurable and can show information about the songs in any form you like. If you are used to the | found in Amarok 1.x series and other music players, you can have that, too! The also allows you to save or export the current playlist.
Dynamic Playlists
Amarok allows you to create weighted random playlists that adhere to various criteria exactly or approximately. For example, you can create a playlist that will be randomly populated by songs that are rated more than 3 stars and are approximately from around the year 1967! |
Replay Gain Support
Amarok supports Replay Gain tag information embedded in files and automatically adjusts the overall volume of the song to a common level.
Rediscover your music!
If you have problems
- You may find an answer in the FAQ's page.
- For more difficult questions have a look at the Troubleshooting page.
- For support, please have a look at the Amarok Forum.
- You can also get direct support in the #amarok channel on the network Please ask your question and be patient, as soon as somebody is around who can help you will get an answer. There also are localized channels, please have a look at for questions in German and for questions in French as well as for questions in Spanish.
More Information
Support for this application can be found from the project's home page