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Kexi/Handbook/References/Keyboard Shortcuts

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Common Shortcuts

The following shortcuts are generally available in Menus to aid selection

  1. Move selection upwards Up-Arrow
  2. Move selection downwards Down-Arrow
  3. Select highlighted item Enter

Main Menu

This is the menu presented on opening Kexi

Kexi Tab Menu

These three shortcuts are shown on the menu. Opening Kexi defaults to this menu

  1. Open Project Ctrl+O
  2. New Project Ctrl+N
  3. Quit Kexi Ctrl+Q

Edit Menu

The following shortcuts apply to the process of editing data within columns, rows, and fields, in Forms and Tables

Editing text

These shortcuts are generally available for in-field editing within Tables and Forms. Basic function keys to manoever around the text such as arrow keys, Backspace & Delete keys, Home & End, function as expected. In addition.

  1. Cut highlighted selection Ctrl+X
  2. Copy highlighted selection Ctrl+C
  3. Paste to cursor Ctrl+V
  4. Cancel Field changesEsc
  5. Cancel Record changes Esc+Esc
  6. Undo latest edit Ctrl+Z
  7. Redo (Undo the recent undo) Ctrl+Shift+Z

Tabular View

These shortcuts are generally available for fields in a Table view while editing or inputting data.

  • Move to the following field Right arrow, or, Tab
  • Move the the preceding field Left arrow, or, Ctrl+Tab
  • Save the currently edited record's data Shift+Enter
  • Cancel editing of the currently edited record's cell Escape.
  • Cancel editing of the currently edited record (if cell is not edited) Escape. This cancels all recent edits in cells of the current record. This means that in order to cancel editing current cell and entire record, Escape should be pressed twice, first for the cell, second for the record.

Moving through fields in a Form

These shortcuts are generally available to move to different fields in a Form while editing or inputting data

  1. Move to the following field Tab
  2. Move the the preceding field Ctrl+Tab

Moving through records in a Table

These shortcuts are generally available to move through records in a database, forwards and backwards (or up and down)

  1. Move down one record Down arrow, or, Ctrl+Pg-Dn
  2. Move up one record Up arrow, or, Ctrl+Pg Up
  3. Move down multiple records Pg-Dn
  4. Move up multiple records Pg-Up
  5. Move to first record Ctrl+Home
  6. Move to last record Ctrl+End

Moving through records in a Form

These shortcuts are generally available to move through records in a database, forwards and backwards (or up and down)

  1. Move down one record Ctrl+Pg-Dn
  2. Move up one record Ctrl+Pg Up
  3. Move down multiple records Pg-Dn
  4. Move up multiple records Pg-Up
  5. Move to first record Ctrl+Home
  6. Move to last record Ctrl+End