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This page contains common problems people have with Krita


Krita start with a black canvas and nothing changes when you try to draw

This is due to a graphics driver fault. Update your graphics drivers, or complain to the driver vendor and then turn off OpenGL under settings->configure Krita->display

Reseting Krita configuration

You can reset Krita configuration in two ways:

  • Press shift+alt+ctrl while open the application. This shoukd give a pop-up asking if you want to reset configuration.
  • delete/rename the kritarc(not krita.rc) file in .kde/config, .config or %APPDATA%\Roaming\krita. If the config was causing a crash, don't delete but rename and send us the file so we can figure out what caused the crash,

I can't edit text from PSD files created by photoshop

There is no text support for psd file yet. The text will appear rasterized and converted into paint layer.

Multi Monitor Setup

How to fix a tablet offset on screen on Windows

If you see that your tablet pointer has an offset when working with Krita canvas, it might be highly probable, that Krita got incorrect screen resolution from the system. That problem happens mostly when an external monitor is present and when either of monitor or a tablet was connected after the system boot.

Now there is a simple solution to fix this data manually.

  1. Lay you stylus aside
  2. Start Krita without using a stylus, that is using a mouse or a keyboard
  3. Press Shift key and hold it
  4. Touch a tablet with your stylus so Krita would recognize it

You will see a special dialog asking for real screen resolution. Choose the correct value or enter it manually and press OK.

What if your tablet is not recognized by Krita?


We would like to see the full output of the following commands:

  1. lsmod
  2. xinput
  3. xinput list-props <id-of-your-tablet> (id can be fetched from the item 2)
  4. Get the log of the tablet events (if applicable):
    1. Open a console application (e.g. Konsole on KDE)
    2. Set the amount of scrollback to 'unlimited' (for Konsole: Settings->Edit Current Profile->Scrolling->Unlimited Scrollback)
    3. Start Krita by typing 'krita' and create any document :)
    4. Press Ctrl+Shift+T, you will see a message box telling the logging is started
    5. Try to reproduce your problem
    6. The console is now filled with the log. Attach it to a bug report or paste using services like paste.kde.org :)
  5. Attach all this data to a bugreport using public paste services like paste.kde.org


  1. Install DebugView from the official Microsoft site (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896647.aspx)
  2. Start DebugView
  3. Start Krita
  4. Press Ctrl+Shift+T, you will see a message box telling the logging is started
  5. Try to reproduce your problem
  6. Go back to DebugView and save its output to a file. Attach this file to a bug report or paste using services like paste.kde.org :)


Toolbox missing

You either reset the workspace by pressing the right most button on the toolbar, the workspace switcher, and clicking a workspace from the list.

Or you try to select the toolbox from the docker dialogue. (2.9.7 and onward only)

Tool icons size is too big

Right click the toolbox to set the size.

Krita can't get maximised

This is due to the toolbox being too big, for example, when it's accidentally made 1-columns wide. Resize it to make it 2 columns wide.


is there a way to restore a default brush that i have mistakenly overwriten with new settings to default?

Yes, remove the newly created presetfrom ~/.kde4/share/apps/krita/paintoppresets/

How do I set favourite presets?

Rightclick a brush in the brush docker and assign it a tag. Then when clicking the lower-right settings icon you can pick you tag.

Krita is slow

There is a myriad of reasons why this might be:

Slow start-up

You probably have too many resources installed. Deactivate some bundles under settings->manage resources

Slow Brushes

  • Check if display filter under settings->configure Krita->display is set to 'high quality'. Set it to trilinear.
  • Check if the color space of the image isn't 16bit or higher.
  • Check if you didn't accidentally turn on the stablizer in the tool options docker.
  • Don't try to run Krita on a netbook.

Slowdown after a while of working

Once you have the slowdown, click on the image-dimensions in the status bar. It will tell you how much Krita is using, and if it's hit the limit, whether it's started swapping. Swapping can slow down a program a lot, so either work on smaller images or turn up the maximum amount of ram in settings->configure Krita->performance


Why does the Transform Tool give a good result and then get blurry upon finalising?

The transform tool makes a preview that you edit before computing the finalised version. As this preview is using the screen resolution rather than the image resolution, it may feel that the result is blurry compared to the preview. See https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=139&t=127269 for more info.

