
These pages talk about the basic KDE Plasma desktop. These applications are common programs usually found in base KDE Plasma 4 or 5 installations. They provide core desktop environment functionality. These KDE base programs allow users to operate, manage and control their desktop and programs easily and flexibly.
Learn about the basics of the default settings, how to configure the panels and desktop to fit your preferences and how to add new features with downloadable content. KWin
KDEの信頼性と柔軟性があり、さらなる美しさと使いやすさのためにハードウェアアクセラレーションされたエフェクトを使うウィンドウ・マネージャであるKWinについて知りましょう。 KRunner
The traditional "Run Command" window has become a "power launcher" with not only command launching but also desktop search, a calculator and even online Wiki look ups. Find out how to use this new interface, called "KRunner", to streamline your workflow.
Discover Dolphin: the default, easy-to-use file manager in the KDE Plasma Desktop. Konqueror
パワー・ユーザーにとっての夢のファイル・マネージャ、ウェブブラウザ、そしてファイルビューワー。 KWrite
簡易的なテキスト エディター Konsole
A tabbed terminal emulator allowing the use of several shells or profiles.
- Oxygen gives your desktop a refreshing and breath-taking visual appearance. Replaced with Breeze in KDE 5.
- Phonon は、サウンドや動画の魔法をデスクトップにもたらします。
- Solid helps make your hardware just work.
- Nepomuk attaches meaning and order to your files. Replaced with Baloo in KDE 5.
- Strigi makes sure you never misplace a file again.
- Breeze is the default KDE 5 theme, which gives your desktop a modern, clean visual experience.